MJIEL Guidelines for Contributors

The Journal welcomes submission of articles and reviews in their final form for consideration with a view to publication in accordance with our Guidelines for Contributors. Preference will be given to submissions that are exclusive to the MJIEL. Please note Offprints are provided only in electronic form to contributors.

Layout of the Manuscript and Submission

The Journal welcomes unsolicited submission of articles and book and case reviews for consideration with a view to publication. Editorial Correspondence, including submissions to the Journal, should be made electronically to the Editor: MJIEL@electronicpublications.org.  For book reviews please write to: MEl-said@uclan.ac.uk. For more information about the Journal, please visit our website at www.electronicpublications.org. Please also see our statement of expectations on Ethical Standards.

  • Word Limit

The normal word length for article contributions is between 5,000-15,000 words. However contributions out of this range will be considered at the Editor-in-Chief’s discretion.

  • Abstract

Submissions should include an abstract of no more than 250 words.

  • Author(s)’s status/institutional affiliation and country where based. 

Please provide a note briefing about the author(s)’s professional and/or academic status/ institutional affiliation and country where based. 

  • Spelling and punctuation

Contributors should consistently adopt British spelling and punctuation conventions throughout their typescripts (except in quotations from other sources, where the original convention should be retained).

  • Notes and reference system

Please use footnotes (not endnotes or in-text citations) numbered consecutively.

Submissions should adhere to the MJIEL Guide to Citing References below.

  • Final version

All the submissions should be submitted in final form. Authors will not be able to make any substantial changes or additions once their works have been submitted, unless otherwise permitted by the MJIEL. The author shall be responsible for submitting the article/review in final copy-edited form. MJIEL will not be responsible for any mistakes arising from any necessary in-house MJIEL copy-editing.

  • Electronic submission

The MJIEL only accepts electronic submissions in a Word-processing format.

Please make sure that the contribution has not been submitted elsewhere whilst being considered by the MJIEL. Preference will be given to articles submitted exclusively to the MJIEL for consideration.

  • Review Process

The review process of the journal involves an initial review by the Editor-in-Chief and thereafter as appropriate the article is reviewed by one or more expert reviewers from within or outside the MJIEL. The review process can take up to one month.

If a work is accepted the Journal reserves the right to publish in the issue/volume year as appropriate; as well as to change the publication date as appropriate. 

  • Copyright

Authors of accepted contributions to the MJIEL would need to sign a copyright transfer form. Contributors may apply for permission to re-publish upon special request to the Journal with full acknowledgement of MJIEL as the original source of publication. 

  • Off-Prints

Contributors will receive an electronic complimentary copy of their published contribution/s.

Hard-copies of the journal can be purchased directly from the printer at a discounted rate for £10.00 per copy. To order printed version of MJIEL or contributor off-prints please contact Antony Rowe Ltd, printer for Electronicpublications.Org Ltd directly. All enquiries/orders with respect to the printed version should be made directly to:

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Guide to Referencing

A source should be given a full reference the first time it is cited in your footnotes.

  • Primary sources

International treaties:

A full reference of an international treaty should include:

complete title in italic

names of parties thereto (for bilateral agreements)

date of adoption

date of entry into force 

Example references:

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (adopted 16 December 1966, entered into force 23 March 1976).

Income Tax Convention (US–China) (Agreement and related Protocol signed 30 April 1984, second Protocol signed 10 May 1986, entered into force 1 January 1987).

UK legislation and cases:

Citations of UK legislative documents and judicial decisions should follow Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities, www.law.ox.ac.uk/oscola.

US legislation and cases:

Citations of US legislative documents and judicial decisions should follow The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (19th ed.), www.legalbluebook.com.

EU legislation and cases:

Citations of EU legislative documents and judicial decisions should follow Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities, www.law.ox.ac.uk/oscola.

Decisions of international tribunals:

A full reference of an international case should include:

case name (including the names of parties involved, when relevant)

case number

type of decision or ruling (when relevant)

date of decision

proper reporter. 

Example references:

International Court of Justice:

Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), ICJ Reports (1971) 12, at 14.

Permanent Court of International Justice:

Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, 1924 PCIJ Series A, No. 2.


Brazil – Export Financing Programme for Aircraft, Recourse by Canada to Article 21.5 of the DSU, WTO Appellate Body Report, WT/DS46/AB/RW, 4 August 2000.


Impregilo S.p.A. v. Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/07/17, Award, 21 June 2011. 

  • Secondary sources

Books and book chapters:

A full reference of a book or a book chapter should include:

 author’s/editor’s names (first name(s) and surname)

 complete title in italic (for books)

 complete title in inverted commas (for book chapters)

 editor, compiler or translator, if any

 edition, if not the original

 place of publication

 publisher's name

 year of publication

 page number(s) 

Example references:

Asif H Qureshi and Andreas Ziegler, International Economic Law (3rd ed., London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2011).

Jean-Marie Henckaerts and Louise Doswald-Beck (eds.), Customary International Humanitarian Law, 2 vols. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), vol. I, pp. 455-9.

Debra P. Steger, ‘The Culture of the WTO: Why it Needs to Change’, in William J. Davey and John Jackson (eds.), The Future of International Economic Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. 45-58.


A full reference of a journal article should include:

 author’s names (first name(s) and surname)

 complete title of the article (in inverted commas)

title of the journal in italic

 year of volume

 volume and issue numbers (in Arabic numbers)

page number(s)

Example references:

Rutsel S. J. Martha, ‘Effects of Self-Government and Supra-Nationalism in the International Monetary Fund: The case of the Kingdom of The Netherlands’, Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, 2005, 2(1): 2-29, at 15.

Hersch Lauterpacht, ‘Decisions and municipal courts as a source of international law’, British Yearbook of International Law, 1929, 10: 1065-95, at 67.

Online periodicals:

Online journal articles follow the same rules for printed articles. In addition, a full reference of an online journal article should include the web link of the source and retrieval date.

Example reference:

Sungjoon Cho, ‘The WTO Doha Round Negotiation: Suspended Indefinitely’, ASIL Insights, 5 September 2006, 10(2) http://www.asil.org/insights060905.cfm accessed 20 June 2006.

Non-periodical online documents, web pages and newspaper articles:

Please list as much of the following information as possible:

author’s/editor’s names (first name(s) and surname)

 complete title (in inverted commas)

 publisher's name

 web link of source

date of publication

retrieval date

Example reference:

Geoff Dyer, Jamil Anderlini and Henny Sender, ‘China’s lending hits new heights’ Financial Times (17 January 2011) www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/488c60f4-2281-11e0-b6a2-00144feab49a.html#axzz24vMXkj9a accessed 19 November 2011.