Editorial Comment
We are very pleased to write the editorial comment for the third issue of third volume of Journal of Islamic State Practices in International Law (JISPIL). It is a measure of success of this journal and growing reputation that we are able to attract three excellent articles in the present volume. The first article of this issue is written by the leading human rights and civil liberties lawyer in the United Kingdom, Professor Conor Gearty. Originally published in European Human Rights Law Review, we are most thankful to the publishers to allow us to republish this article.
The second paper is written by Rohimi B. Shapiee, Faculty of Law, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Dr Shapiee deals with a highly critical and most significant aspects of the Siyar (International Islamic law): the focus of his paper is on the economic aspects of Siyar. The third and final paper is written by Mr Aman Ullah, who is an Assistant Professor at the University of Punjab Pakistan although he is currently completing a PhD at London Metropolitan University. In his paper Aman Ullah presents a critical analysis of environmental issues within Pakistan. In his excellent exposition, Aman Ullah deals with the existing jurisprudence and nascent protection of the right to environment through established rights such as the right to life.
In the light of the successes for JISPIL, we are very confident that this Journal will continue to serve the interests of the international community “it would lead to awareness of legal issues concerning and affecting practices of Islamic States, communities and peoples. We also remain hopeful that an environment of matured reflection could be created which would be conducive to consensual, multinational and multicultural growth of international law. Since its inception, the Journal has been very successful. After having given considerable thought, it has been decided by the editors to produce more substantial volumes though on a bi-annual basis. Hence as from January 2008, the Journal will be produced twice every year (one issue in June and the other one in December).