MJIEL Vol 7 Issue 2 2010 - Obituary



Kaiyan Homi Kaikobad

August 1950-July 2010

MJIEL Book Review Editor: 2004-2010


Professor Kaiyan Homi Kaikobad passed away on 1st July 2010. He was the founding book review editor of the MJIEL. He took upon himself this thankless and difficult task humbly; and performed it graciously since the inception of the MJIEL in 2004. In total he was responsible for commissioning and editing some twenty book reviews. As an editor he was meticulous, exacting and with a sharp sense of quality. Although not an International Economic Lawyer as such, he was nevertheless keen to perform his role as a book review editor of the MJIEL facilitating the exposition of literature in the field, and encouraging in particular younger scholars to engage in book reviews. Anyone who has performed the role of a book review editor would know that persuading colleagues to write reviews can be like ‘pulling teeth’! Everyone knows the contribution of book reviews to the discipline; few however commit themselves to it enthusiastically. 

Professor Kaikobad was a distinguished international law scholar who in particular made a positive contribution to the discipline of international boundary disputes. He wrote several monographs and articles in his field, which were all positively received. He was happiest and excelled in his career in particular when he secured a Chair at Brunel University. His loss is to the International Law community in general and also one of Pakistan from where he came from.

He was a kind and generous person who touched everyone he knew.


                                                                                                Asif H Qureshi



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