Manchester Journal of International Economic Law Volume 5, Issue 1, pp 3-35, 2008
The Province of International Business Transactions Defined: Content, Scope and Intersections with International Legal Studies
Gbenga Oduntan*
Abstract: The law of International Business Transactions as a subfield within the general field of international commercial law can appear to be quite amorphous to students and practitioners. It may be observed that different authors converge, diverge and intersect in their focus on the various relevant themes and topics within the general phenomena of international commercial transactions. This article offers some explanation for this reality by seeking to establish certain necessary connections between the study of the law of transnational business and allied fields of international studies. The article also seeks to dispel certain myths such as that which views international business regulation as devoid of power politics. The paper, thus, places the study of international business transactions well within the scope of socio legal as well as critical legal theory.
* Ph.D (Law, (Kent)), MA (Jos), LLB (hons) BL (hons) BA (hons, (Jos)) Lecturer in International Commercial Law, University of Kent.