In the wake of new developments, which are associated not only with a new ‘sovereignty regime’ but also with the emergence of powerful new non-territorial forms of economic and political organization in the global domain. Globalization in this account is, therefore, associated with a transformation and unbundling of the relationships between sovereignty, territoriality and state power. The traditional conceptualization of sovereignty was simply a transitional phase in the legal philosophy and whether the thoughts of Hobbes and Austin regarding sovereignty can no longer hold feasible in our contemporary world?
This paper will examine how the concept of ‘sovereignty’, the state power and territoriality today have a more complex relationship than in the epoch during which the modern nation-states were forged in the post- world war era. It will also focus on Islamic viewpoint of sovereignty; we mean the whole range of those attributes which are imperative to dominate human intelligence and rationality while laying down the guidelines for governance.