Transnational Forms of Islamic Law
Transnational Islamic law deals with questions of how Islamic law travels inter-nationally and reshapes according to the requirements of new destinations. When Islamic law travels, the study of its practice at the origin and acquired changes at the destination becomes significant part of its transnationality. This study involves reimagining relationships between different sources of Islamic law and purposes of interpretation, between states and individuals, between liberties and authority, and between rights and responsibilities. The questions of reinterpretation and reform, multiple legalities and legal plurality, and differences and coexistence pose serious challenges to this study. Theoretical underpinnings of such travelling and transnationality are vital to understand how principles and norms of Islamic law work in practice in different socio-legal contexts. This makes transnational Islamic law a global project with the aims of bridging divides, creating communities, strengthening governance systems, and connecting civilizations.