The WTO and Its Development Obligation: Prospects for Global Trade by Elimma C. Ezeani, Anthem Press, 2010, ISBN-13: 978 1 84331 849 1.
The book argues that the WTO has a higher development obligation than the organisation recognises, and generally perceived. It does so by examining the purposes of the foundations of the WTO, the GATT, as well as the broader aims of the WTO. It goes on to analyse the problems of developing countries within the WTO systems, outlining some of the factors that prevent developing countries from benefiting substantially from their memberships in the WTO.
Trade Relations between the EU and Africa: Development, challenges and option beyond the Cotonou Agreement by Yenkong Ngangjoh-Hodu and Francis A.S.T. Matambalya (eds.), Routledge, 2009, ISBN-10:0415549817.291.
Trade relations between the European Union (EU) and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP countries) are based on a historical relationship that dates back to colonialism. The Lome Convention has dictated the parameters of this relationship since 1975. This relationship was characterised by a non-reciprocal trade arrangement which saw preferential treatment being given to goods entering the EU from ACP countries. The Lome Convention was replaced in 2000 by the Cotonou Agreement and Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) in an attempt to bring an end to the non-reciprocal preferential treatment given to exports from the ACP countries.