India and Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Affronting Sovereignty or Indicting Capriciousness?
India and Investor-State Dispute Settlement:
Affronting Sovereignty or Indicting Capriciousness?
by Prabhash Ranjan
Routledge, 2024, ISBN 9781032349046
Reviewed by Harshad Pathak
Prabhash Ranjan’s India and Investor-State Dispute Settlement – Affronting Sovereignty or Indicting Capriciousness1 is the author’s second foray into India’s tryst with international investment law (IIL) and investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS). While introducing the book, the author describes his ‘role as a storyteller of India’s experience in international investment law.’2 Indeed, in his first book3, the author had narrated the story of post-colonial India’s approach towards IIL in three phases - from initial refusal to embrace bilateral investment treaties (BITs), to a sudden embrace, to an eventual ‘backlash’. His latest book continues from the third phase, to review some of India’s ISDS cases after 2011 and evolving treaty practice.

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