Developing Countries and the Multilateral Trade Regime: The Failure and Promise of the WTO’s Development Mission, by Donatella Alessandrini, Hart Publishing, 2010, ISBN: 978184966039
Alessandrini Donatella’s Developing Countries and the Multilateral Trade Regime provides a compelling insight into the six-decade-long ‘failure’ and ‘promise' of development within the General Agreement of Tariff and Trade and the World Trade Organization (GATT/WTO) post-war multilateral trading system (MTS). The author seeks to demonstrate that ‘at particular intersections of the world capitalist system, certain states, theories and international institutions have been and are still able to re-shape the contours of the “science of development” (p 8). She deems it crucial for her readers to appreciate ‘the modality through which this imperial science has operated since decolonization’ and its linkage with the rationale behind the development problem in the GATT/WTO.