Manchester Journal of International Economic LawISSN 1742-3945
Manchester Journal of International Economic Law ISSN 1742-3945 - The MJIEL was founded in 2004 by Professor Dr Asif H Qureshi. The Journal is independent of any State or institutional affiliation with a truly global editorial and advisory board. It is published by Ltd; and available both in electronic and printed forms. The journal has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus, the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) and the Web of Science Core Collection in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). It is also to be found in EBSCO and HeinOnline. The journal is published three times a year.
Contributions to the Journal have been made both by established scholars as well as rising academics from diverse geographical and institutional settings. The journal is widely read and cited. The MJIEL is managed by a core group of dedicated editors who have consistently maintained high standards in publication.
The Journal welcomes submission of articles and reviews for consideration with a view to publication in accordance with our Guidelines for Contributors.
The journal covers all aspects of international economic law including in particular world trade law, international investment law, international monetary and financial law, international taxation, international labour law, international corporate responsibility and international development law. The journal's focus is mainly from a Public International Law perspective and includes comparative analysis within the context of a discourse in Public International Law. The aims of MJIEL are to promote:
Deputy Editor-in-Chief:
Associate Editors:
Assistant Editor/s:
For book review queries please write to:
All editorial correspondence, including submissions to the Journal, should be made electronically to the Editor: